Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lock PC with a USB flash drive

PREDATOR (With PREDATOR, security is as simple as inserting or removing a USB stick !)is the freeware, which is used for Lock your PC. It might resembles some Hollywood movie where a computer unlocks when USB flash drive is inserted. This is the software which is used for security application.

PREDATOR locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened.

It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device, and works as follows:

  • you insert the USB drive
  • you run PREDATOR (autostart with Windows is possible)
  • you do your work...
  • when you're away from your PC, you simply remove the USB drive:
    once it is removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens
  • when you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place:
    keyboard and mouse are immediately released, and the display is restored.

It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return.

Advanced Security Features:

  • PREDATOR records all security-related events in a log file: start, alarms, stop. By reading this log, you will know if intruders have tried to use your computer while you have been away.
  • PREDATOR can replicate this log on your Twitter account, allowing you to remotely monitor all access-control activity on your PC.
  • PREDATOR frequently changes the security codes recorded on your USB drive. If an intruder manages to copy your stick, this copy will not work because the codes on your own stick will have changed in the meantime.
  • PREDATOR disables the Windows task manager when you unplug the USB drive. Nobody can stop it with Ctrl-Alt-Del.
  • PREDATOR lets you regain control of your computer if you lose your stick: when you start the software for the first time, you set a password that will unlock your session if your USB drive is not available.
  • PREDATOR can sound an audible alarm if somebody enters an invalid password.
  • And finally, PREDATOR can protect several PCs with the same USB flash drive, e.g. your home and office computers.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Find your Invisible friends in Yahoo!!

Here a website Ydetector which scans your friends yahoo ID and give there status. By just typing there Yahoo ID. You can scan the your invisible friends.

Yahoo! Messenger Invisible Detector:

A new advancement by our favourite Google for internet users "Google URL Shortener". 

Google URL Shortener at is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to share, tweet, or email to friends.

The core goals of this service are:

1.Stability – ensuring that the service has very good uptime
2.Security – protecting users from malware and phishing pages
3.Speed – fast resolution of short URLs

I read an article "Create strong passwords" in Microsoft Online safety. That was an very useful Article about password security.

How to keep your Password Safe and secure ?
* Steps to build a strong password
* Learn what makes strong passwords
* Avoid common password strategies that fail

Steps to build a strong password:
The strong password consist of random string and numbers, which should be difficult to guess and remember by others.

1. Think of a sentence that you will remember
Example: “My son Aiden is three years old.”
2. Turn your sentence into a password
Use the first letter of each word of your memorable sentence to create a string, in this case: “msaityo”.
3. Add complexity to your password or pass phrase
Mix uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Introduce intentional misspellings.
For example, in the sentence above, you might substitute the number 3 for the word “three”, so a password might be “MsAi3yo”.
4. Substitute some special characters
Use symbols that look like letters, combine words, or replace letters with numbers to make the password complex.
Using these strategies, you might end up with the passwordM$8ni3y0.”
5. Test your new password with Password Checker
6. Keep your password a secret
Treat your passwords with as much care as the information that they protect.

Password Strategies

To avoid weak, easy-to-guess passwords:

  • Avoid sequences or repeated characters
    "12345678," "222222," "abcdefg," or adjacent letters on your keyboard do not make secure passwords.
  • Avoid using only look-alike substitutions of numbers or symbols
    Criminals will not be fooled by common look-alike replacements, such as to replace an 'i' with a '1' or an 'a' with '@' as in "M1cr0$0ft" or "P@ssw0rd".
    These substitutions can be effective when combined with other measures, such as length, misspellings, or variations in case.
  • Avoid your login name
    Don't use any part of your name, birthday, social security number, or similar information for your loved ones.
    This type of information is one of the first things criminals will try, and they can find it easily online from social networking sites, online resumes, and other public sources of data.
  • Avoid dictionary words in any language
    Criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly guess passwords that are based on words in multiple dictionaries, including words spelled backwards, common misspellings, profanity, and substitutions.
  • Avoid using only one password for all your accounts
    If your password is compromised on any one of the computers or online systems that use it, you should consider all of your other information protected by that password compromised as well.
    It is critical to use different passwords for different systems.
  • Be careful with password recovery questions
    Many Web sites offer a "password " service that lets you provide the answer to a secret question. If you forget your password, the service will send it to you if you can remember the answer to your secret question.
    The questions are often random, but sometimes the answers to these questions are freely available on the Web. Choose your questions carefully or make up the answers.
  • Avoid using online storage
    If criminals find your passwords stored online or on a networked computer, they have access to all your information.
MORE INFO:Microsoft Online safety

Passwords Sentinel
is a fresh reliable solution developed for secure password storage, a personal assistant to organize that huge quantity of information you don’t like but so much need. It is light software whose purpose is to manage and keep safe passwords, access codes, important dates, figures, numbers, etc.

Forget all about memorizing huge amounts of data or hiding pieces of paper with personal information in places you have to remember! Stop worrying that someone might stumble upon your most important passwords! Let Password Sentinel manage your access codes – have one less concern!

Passwords Sentinel stores your passwords in a highly encrypted local database which consists of only one file, thus allowing easy transfer from one computer to another.


* Highly encrypted databases
* Freeware:which you have full access in terms of source code!
* Support of master passwords and key-disks
* Runs on all Windows operating systems and doesn't need to be installed
* Export password list to TXT, XML or CSV files
* Import from CSV, CodeWallet(Pro) TXT and Password Safe v2 TXT files
* Easy database transfer
* Support of password groups
* Time fields and entry attachment support
* Auto-type, global auto-type hot key combination and drag-n-drop support
* Intuitive and secure Windows clipboard handling
* Searching and sorting
* Multi-language support
* Strong random password generator
* Low memory requirement

Most important way by which the virus spread through computer is when we use pendrive. (virus spread to computer during the autoplay). To disable this autoplay function for any device or for pendrive. Follow the below steps,

  1. Go to start.
  2. Select Run.
  3. type gpedit.msc
  4. select User Configuration.
  5. then click Administrative Template.
  6. then click System.
  7. you will find Turn off Autoplay,select it.
  8. Select Enable radiobutton and select All drives.
  9. click apply and ok.

Now autoplay is disabled in your computer.So, no virus will affect as soon as you insert your pendrive. Now scan the pendrive using some virus scanner and then open. The chance of virus spread to computer decreases.

when we close an application not in an proper way due to some reason (or) when computer hang (or)  for someother reason error gets generated in computer. These errors will have to reported to microsoft, most of case we will not allow to send.To stop this error reporting system,Follow these steps:

  1. go to mycomputer properties.
  2. then click advanced.
  3. then click on error reporting button.
  4. now select disable error reporting radio button.
  5. then select ok.


Now error will not be displayed in your computer.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Web Server: Google Chrome

Evil Science has just published Internet Explorer vs Firefox vs Opera vs Chrome vs Safari, which contains the results of an extensive competitive speed test between five popular web browsers.

Browsers:   Opera 9.63
                        Firefox 3.0.4
                        Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13
                        Google Chrome
                        Apple Safari 3.2.1

The author is an Opera user who discovered that his favorite browser has slipped to the #2 spot for performance.

The author counducted 9 tests on these famous web brousers and he concluded that Google Chrome takes the top of all other browsers.

ARTICLE: Internet Explorer vs Firefox vs Opera vs Chrome vs Safari

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tips for Fast Internet Surfing

F your internet connection is slow because your service provider cant't provide much speed or you are in any rural area and you want to make your web browse faster then before,then it cannot be made to run as fast internet connection,but can be made to browse web for fast as of before for sure.Just follow some tips and make your connection fast then before.

1. Increase the size of your browser cache. If the static parts of a site (like background graphics, CSS, etc) are stored in the local cache, your browser can safely skip downloading these files when you re-visit the site in future thus improving speed.

2. Turn off web images, the Adobe Flash plug-in, Java Applets and JavaScript from your browser settings as these files are often the bulkiest elements of any web page.

3. The Google Transcoder service at can split large web pages into smaller chunks that will download more quickly on your computer.

4. Monitor your Internet speed to determine hours when you get the maximum download speed from the ISP. Maybe you can then change your surfing schedule a bit and browse more during these "off peak" hours.

5. Finch can serve a light-weight version of any website in real-time that is free of all bells and whistles.

6. Flinch is good for reading regular websites but if you just need to check the latest articles published on your favorite blogs, use BareSite. This service will automatically detect the associated feed of a website and render content quickly inside a minimalist interface.

7. You can use a text browser like Lynx or Elinks for even faster browsing. It downloads only the HTML version of web pages thus reducing the overall bandwidth required to render websites.

8. When searching for web pages on Google, you can click the "Cache" link to view the text version of a web page stored in the Google Cache. Alternatively, install this GM script as it adds a "cached text only" link near every "Cached" link on Google Search pages.

9. Move your web activities offline as far as possible. You can send & receive emails, write blogs and even read feeds in an offline environment.

10. Applying the same logic, you may also consider using tools like Web In Mail or Email The Web as they help you browse websites via email. Just put the URL of a page (e.g., in the subject field of your email message and these services will send you the actual page in the reply.

11. Bookmarks are like shortcuts to your favorite web services.

12. Use the netstat command to determine processes, other than web browsers, that may be secretly connecting to Internet in the background. Some of these processes could be consuming precious bandwidth but you can block them using the Firewall.

13. Use URL Snooper to determine non-essential host names that a website is trying to connect while downloading a web page. You may block them in future via the Adblock Plus to filter out advertising banners on web pages.

14. If you don’t want to spoil your web surfing experience by stripping images and other graphic elements from a web page, get Opera Turbo. It will first fetch the requested web page on to its own server and then send it to your machine in a compressed format. Opera Turbo won’t change the layout of a web site but can lower the image resolution so that they load faster on slow Internet.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Google OS for PC:Android(live)

Google's famous Android operating system for handhelds, which, despite providing some pretty interesting features as far as the level of integration with various Google services is concerned, is still rather far from having reached the level of popularity enjoyed by other similar operating systems, such as Symbian or Windows Mobile. However, its potential is much more impressive, given the fact that it can be easily ported to run on x86 systems.

How to Run Google's Android OS on Your Windows PC ?

  • Download the two parts of the Live CD .iso file from the LiveAndroid web page.
  • Combine the two segments into a single one using a specialized application (the projects' authors recommend HJSplit for the task).
  • Burn the resulting .iso image onto a blank CD using your favorite disc burning application.
  • Reboot your computer (make sure that the CD-ROM drive is placed ahead of the HDD in the list of boot devices).
  • Wait for it to load (getting past the Android Live CD splash screen might take a while) and then voila! You've gotten the Google Android operating system running without any problems on your computer.

You can also use the disc image in a
virtualization application like VirtualBox, VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC if you want to try the operating system without even rebooting your computer.

Remember that this LiveCD is aimed mostly at developers, who actually have to create apps for this operating system, so normal users won't benefit too much from it, apart from the possibility to take a closer look at just what they are to expect from a Google-based OS.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Computer virus:The ways of spread

Most people these days understand what a virus is and how harmful it can be, but they are still somewhat unsure how computer viruses spread. The truth is that there are dozens of different ways in which a virus can spread from computer to computer, but let’s take a look at the most frequent ways in which people run into viruses, spyware and Trojans on the Internet.

1. Email attachments: Golden rule is that if you don’t know what an attachment is, don’t open it. You don’t have to take such drastic steps to protect yourself, however; simply use common sense when opening attachments in your email.

2. Rogue Websites:It is depressing to know that you may become infected with spyware or a virus by doing nothing more than simply visiting a website, but it is true. Many adult websites, gambling websites and other less than trustworthy websites will attempt to automatically access your computer when you visit them. They often install adware bugs that will cause a flurry of pop ups to appear on your screen.To stop these rogue websites, adjust the settings on your antivirus software and firewall so that no outside connections can be made and no programs can be installed without your express permission.

3. Networks: If your work computer is part of a larger network, you may find yourself with an infection through no fault of your own. Someone else on the network downloaded a bug by accident, and within minutes, the entire network could be infected. There isn’t much you can do to stop these kinds of infections, short of having your network administrator ensure that everyone’s antivirus software is up to date so that the invading bug can be removed as quickly as possible.

4. Phishing Schemes. Learning how computer viruses spread is important to keep yourself, and your personal information, safe online. Phishing schemes are one of the chief ways in which people end up with their identity stolen and a computer fill of viruses. A phishing scheme starts when you receive an email from a website claiming to be your bank or credit card company. You are asked to click a link and log in, but the truth is that you’ve just given away all of your personal information. Often times, when you visit these sites, spyware, adware and viruses are automatically installed on your computer. smartest thing you can do is to simply call your bank or credit card company if you receive an email saying there is a problem with your account instead of blindly following links in your email.

5. Infected Software. One of the great things about the Internet is how many free games and programs there are out there, but these free programs often come at a price. Too many rogue websites intentionally infect their freeware (like Kazaa) with trojan viruses so that you unknowingly infect your computer every time you download a free game or piece of software. The key here is to only download freeware or shareware from a trusted source like CNet that always ensures your safety.

6. Hackers. The Internet today is a much more law abiding place than it was ten years ago. Not only did most people not have antivirus protection and firewalls that could stop incoming attacks, most people didn’t even know what they were. Today, people understand the value of good online protection, but hackers can still pose a problem if you allow your protection software to lapse. The best way to beat hackers is to ensure that you have a firewall and up to date antivirus software.

7. Instant Messaging. It is difficult to find a computer in this day and age that doesn’t have at least one instant messaging service installed on it. Unfortunately, these programs are often targets of hackers who see an easy way to trick people into clicking links that lead them to rogue websites. Common sense can keep you out of trouble, however. Only chat with people you know and never follow links to sites that you don’t recognize. You should easily be able to keep Internet worms, viruses and other bugs at bay.

8. Fake Anti Virus Software. This is one of the most frustrating ways to become infected with a virus or worm. There are dozens of anti virus and anti spyware programs you can download for free on the Internet and a surprising number of them actually do exactly the opposite of what they claim. The product websites make outrageous claims that their product can protect you from a whole range of threats, when, in reality, their product will only make things a thousand times worse. Only download antivirus programs from trusted sites or from websites that you know are completely legit.

9 From Mobile Devices. Mobile phones get infected by bluetooth transfer,etc.. when u connect the mobile to computer you can be affected by those virus. keep one anti virus software for mobile. Keep your anti virus software up to date at all times and you should be able to wrestle control back from any Internet bug.

10. Friends and Relatives. The social networking site Facebook has had to battle this very problem when their serves get a bug and automatically send out emails to everyone on the system that are infected. Often times, these emails are extremely generic sounding and come with suspicious attachments, but people often open them anyway since they have come from a friend or from a site they trust, like Facebook. Remember, if you get an attachment with an .exe extension or a .dll, don’t ever open it.
Learning how computer viruses spread is the best way we can put an end to their reign of terror online. It is only with the right knowledge and the best antivirus software that Internet users everywhere can beat online bugs for good.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Windows Shutdown Timer

Shutdown Timer - Windows:
Many of us use some shutdown utility to shutdown our computer, but in windows a inbuilt function is there to shut down our computer at time specified even i n our absence.

Step 1:Start --> RUN.
Step 2:Type this code

at 11:35(any time u require) shutdown -s

then in the given time ur computer will be shutdown.

To Abort shutdown:

Step 1:Start --> RUN.
Step 2: Type this code

shutdown -a

You have already been using the Google search field, or maybe it’s Yahoo’s search field, for years now. And generally you probably have it open ready to go while using other programs. Here are ways you can reduce your number of clicks, and of course, save you time in the process just by using the search field more efficiently.

1. If you are want to find out more information about a particular book, just type in the book’s title in the search field. Ex: Joe Vitale. You don’t need to go to a book stores web site. Now you have every where the book is talked about, including reviews. And most like the competitive pricing.

2. If you need to calculate something, simply enter the calculation you’d like done into the search box. Ex: 5*9(sqrt 10)^3=. Or even simple addition. Ex: 5863+91/3= Always end with the equal sign.

3. One of my favorites is to convert between different units of measurement of height, weight, and volume. Just enter your desired conversion into the search box. Ex: 10.5 cm in inches.

4. Public data is another fast find. Let’s say you want to find the population figure for your city.I would type into the search field, “population ArlingtonVA.”

5. As a write, many times I need to find a synonym or dictionary definition fast. Now, there are a lot of places online to find them but they are just too many clicks. Use the search field for this. To find a synonym, you type in the “~” in front of the word. Ex: ~abundance. For the definition, type in the word “define” and then add your word or phrase you want defined. Ex: "Define abundance.”

6. Spell checker is fast too! Just type in the way you thought it should be spelled into the field. Wha-la, you have the most common spelling information.

7. Let’s say you’re out and you want to know where the closet restaurant is. Type in the type of food followed by the zip code. Then type “Italian food” + zip code and I had my list. Another time, I typed in the street name, city and state with zip code words after it and I had the zip code.

8. Using the same style in number 7 above, you can find movies. Type in “movies 22201.”

9. What if you out looking at homes for sales. You find a street you really like. Input “homes sales, name of street, city and state, or leave out the city and state and just add the zip code if you have it. This is a great time saver if the real estate market moves as fast as it does in New York City.

10. Is your mother’s plane going to be on time? Type in the airlines, flight number and the airport name. Ex: american airlines 3110 dulles airport.

11. What if you’re in a foreign country or filling out your reimbursement form at work and you need to know how much one currency equals another. Ex: How many rubbles equal $5.55 or the reverse. To use the built-in currency converter, Simply enter the conversion you’d like done into the search box. Ex: 150 GBP in USD.

12. Another one of my favorites is using the “fill in the blank” feature. The best way to ask a question is to use this feature. You do so by adding an asterisk (*) at the part of the sentence or question that you want finished. Ex: Isaac Newton discovered *. Show your child how to use this so they can do their homework easier.

13. Before I learned this feature, I would search for the USP web site and locate the tracking number field and then type it in. Now, in the Google search field just type in the package number. This works whether its for UPS, FedEx or USPS.

14. Need to find a patent information fast. Just type in “patent” + the number.

15. Need to know what state and/or city an area code belongs to? Just type in the three digit number. And it’s there fast.

16. To search for web pages with similar content to a given site, type “related:” (notice there’s a colon after the word) followed by the website address. Example:

17. To know the time in another city, type in “time” and the city.

Now you’ve learned 17 new ways to find more information faster. You are saving many clicks and a lot of time during your day.

The networking standards of Bluetooth will transmit data via low power radio frequency. Bluetooth communicates on a 2.45 GHz frequency. This very band of frequency has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial and medical devices.

Many devices that you already known and use take advantage of this frequency band. Garage door openers, baby monitors, and the next generation of mobile phones all use this frequency within the ISM band. Ensuring that Bluetooth and the other devices don't interfere with each other is a crucial part of the design process.

One of the ways Bluetooth will avoid interfering with other electronic devices is by sending out weak signals of around 1 mw. In comparison, even the most powerful of cell phones can transmit a signal of 3 watts.

The low power signals will limit the range of a Bluetooth device to around 32 feet, which cut the chances of interference between your computer and other electronic devices. Even though it has low power, Bluetooth doesn't require a line of sight between the communicating devices. The walls in your home won't stop the signal, making it great for rooms throughout the house.

Bluetooth can connect 8 devices at the same time. With each of those devices on the same radius, you may think they would interfere with each other, although it's very unlikely. Bluetooth utilizes a technique known as low frequency hopping, which makes it harder for more than one device to transmit on the same frequency at the same time.

With this technique, a device will use 79 individual, randomly chosen frequencies within a designated range, which change from one another on a regular basis.

In the case of Bluetooth, the transmitters will change frequency 1,600 times or more every second, meaning that more devices can make full use of the radio spectrum. Since every transmitter of Bluetooth will use spread spectrum automatically, it's very unlikely that two transmitters will be on the same frequency at the exact same time.

When the Bluetooth devices come within close range of each other, an electronic conversation will occur to determine whether or not they have data to share or whether one needs to take total control. The user doesn't have any buttons to press or commands to give - as the conversation will occur automatically.
Once the conversation has occured, the devices will form a network. Bluetooth devices will create a PAN (Personal Area Network) or piconet that may fill a room. Once the piconet has been established, the devices will randomly hop in frequencies.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Should I Buy A Laptop Or A Desktop?

With the advances in computer performance technology moving forward in quantum leaps it has created some difficult questions for us, one is deciding between a laptop or a desktop.

Now, not only do we have the problem of our computers being outdated very rapidly but we also need to decide which route to take.

Let's look at the pros and cons and identify what we will use our computer for so that we will be able to make an intelligent decision about it.

First let's look at the laptop
. Obviously the greatest benefit to a laptop that is glaringly apparent is the mobility. This allows you to always be able to take your computer with you to work, school, on vacation, etc. At the same time this portability also allows anyone else the ability to walk off with your laptop as well. If this happens, not only are you out a computer but you have also lost all the data you had on it as well so security is a concern.

Another issue is the price difference. While prices have come down, there will still be a good disparity in the price of a laptop to a comparable desktop so you have to weigh that out as well. The difference is usually $400 or $500. Do you need the mobility enough to pay the difference in price?

Another concern with purchasing a laptop is the availability of parts and how upgradeable the unit is. Don't buy some off brand laptop that you won't be able to buy parts for and don't buy one that you can't upgrade later.

A big issue for me is the size of the screen, yeah size matters. If you get a laptop with a small screen you will be aggravated, trust me. I have a 17" screen on my desktop and a 15" on my laptop and it really makes a difference. You can get a laptop with a 17" screen, it will just set you back a bit more in cash outlay.

So ask yourself these questions:

  * Do I mainly use my computer at home or do I need it at work or school?

  * Do I travel a lot?

  * Will I use the laptop?

  * Am I willing to pay more for the convenience?

If the computer after several hours' use suddenly rebooted and does not show any sign of system failure, there could only be one thing. The computer is overheating.

Unknown to many, (especially those who are not into technological stuff) the computer could generate a large amount of heat when it is in use. Adding video or sound cards could also add more heat generation from your computer.
The temperature inside the computer or laptop that has high-powered processors that runs with multiple applications reaches one hundred forty (140) degrees.

The more drives, memory and even colored lights stuffed in today's CPUs and laptops, the less space there is for internal air circulation. Combine that with poor exhaust or surrounding ventilation, and systems slow, applications run poorly, or the computer could reboot to cool itself down, or crash altogether.

The popularity of cheap computers is fast increasing. People are drawn to buying the cheap computers but they are not aware of the reductions made just so to meet the demand.

One of these reductions is the size as well as the effectiveness of cooling fans on the computer. As the computer gets warmer, the computer speed also gets slower.

With the proper cooling device in the computer, rest assured that the performance of the computer would be better. It could also extend the life of the computer, motherboard and the processor.
Cooling products help drop the temperature of the CPU and its components by circulating, dissipating, cooling and pulling air from a desktop or laptop computer.
Some fans mount in the front drive bays of computers, while others slip into PCI slots to suck air out the back. Copper or aluminum "heat sinks" mount atop the processor to cool that device itself.

When buying a new computer, visit a retailer and touch the computer case to see how hot it gets. Consider adding additional fans to the PCI slots.

Other cooling tips include cleaning dust away from the CPU's fan, or opening the unit and using a can of compressed air to blow dust off the components.

Keep the CPU off the floor, and install filters atop the fans, to reduce dust, pet fur or other debris from getting into the unit. A small electrical fan aimed to blow across the CPU also can help disperse heat and cool the unit.

Keep the computer in a location where air can circulate freely. Keeping the tower in a desk cabinet, leaving the doors open or removed to aid circulation also helps air to circulate inside the computer.

For general office cooling, a flat-panel monitor, or LCD, can reduce the amount of heat generated, as compared to a traditional CRT monitor.

Laptop heat is especially common. Many road warriors, teleworkers and home office workers place the laptop literally upon their laps to work. This not only can block exhaust fans, but can trap and build heat. Laptop pads dissipate heat by either elevating the unit from the surface, or by using fans to help draw heat away from the device.

Many slot coolers are being marketed today. There are two things that you have to consider before buying one. The intake of fresh cool air is very important. Case temperature drops with the intake fan in the case.
The position of the fan is the other. It has to be positioned one slot away from the AGP card. The extra space would help the airflow inside the computer. This way the computer heat would be lessened.

Fixing your registry seems a bit complicated although can often be the perfect opposite. Your registry has every part of the information you want about updates, installs and un-installs. Usually while you have a difficulty with your registry it is for the reason that the system has become bloated. If this happens too much or if you have never fixed your registry, you computer may experience random computer crashes, cause your system to slow down noticeably, and could even cause your system to become unstable. The finest way to keep this from occuring is to test it commonly and wipe, remanage and get rid of any mistakes. While you fix your computers registry, you eventually free up sources on your computer.

The Windows Registry is a database which stores settings and options for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains information and settings for hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, and per-user settings. The registry also provides a window into the operation of the kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware.

To repair your registry, you should firstly look for it. If you just go to your start menu and type "regedit" into the RUN command, your registry ought to load up for you to check. Delete files and programs you no longer require or use. If a program wiil not remove, you can "edit" your registry. Get rid of all files and folder beneath that registry key thus that it does not trigger some main conflicts with your Windows operating system.

Make sure to continuously backup your registry before trying to fix any troubles. You might be deleting something that should not be deleted, so by backing it up, you are keeping stuff protected. If you have a registry cleaner, the backup will occur automatically. If not, you will want to insert ntbackup.exe into the RUN command. If you just want to save/backup particular registry keys, seek for your registry and then obtain and click the subkey on anything you want to save/backup. You are capable to export this file via the FILE menu. Save the registration entry in whatever position you want.

Fixing your registry can have profound effects on your computers overall speed, load time, and shutdown time. It can speed up application load times or fix freeze-ups or errors. However a registry is a very intricate set of software instructions. If you try to manually edit it, you can do more harm than good. A sophisticated registry cleaner software will automatically fix and clean your PC without damaging your system.


Friday, July 3, 2009

"Registry Repair" A basic How To.

The windows registry
is one of if not the most important component of your windows operating system(OS). Because of this it must be clean and free of errors for your PC to run smooth and error free.
In this article there are some best practices and guidelines to repairing the windows registry.

First thing you should know is that manually editing the registry is not for the average user, there are hundreds of thousands of entries in the windows registry and changing or deleting the wrong one can cause your PC to stop booting forever.

If you have manually edited the windows registry and now you cannot boot your PC only choice may be to re-install windows, if that does not work you may have to wipe your hard drive and start fresh, this can be a major pain trying to find all the drivers and support software for your system.

Assuming you have not manually edited your registry, the next thing you should know is that there are a ton of different registry repair software tittles available on the market.

To really get things done in windows requires a multi pronged approached. If I want to clean the adware or spyware off of my system You have to use three different programs, Adaware, Spybot S&D, and Spyware blaster. Run them one at a time and then follow their instructions.

Use this same rule for the Registry Three different programs that all do the same thing but in different ways. The reason this is necessary is because windows is so complex and so is the registry, one piece of software may not find things another will, If after running the third piece of registry repair software it does not find anymore problems with your registry you can feel pretty good that your Windows registry of clean and error free.

Run the 1st piece of registry repair software, when it finds errors, and it will, select the fix option, or repair option, do NOT choose Delete. This forces the software to try to find solutions to the problems in your registry. Most Registry repair software will do the best it can to fix the problems and any it cant fix it will delete. Some will try to fix and then come back to the user with results of the repair/fix attempt and ask what to do with the errors it could not fix. At this point you would select delete.

Now run the second piece of registry repair software and do the same thing as before.

Now run the third registry repair software tittle and do the same thing as before.
At this point your registry is good to go and things should boot faster and have less errors.

One last thing, some Registry repair software has an option to do deep cleaning or aggressive search, It is not recommend these options as they may damage the registry, and we are trying to repair the registry.


Looking to fix missing DLL files in windows? Look no further.

DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library. Although these files do not gather much attention from the average PC user due to their ‘backstage’ role, they are highly important when it comes to the functionality of almost all pieces of software on your PC.

They provide certain functions that are called upon by other executable files. Rather ironically, the introduction of DLL file technology was to help simplify software functionality and operation, but when problems in the DLL files arise, it can often have the opposite effect.

Missing DLL file errors can arise for 3 reasons:

  • An essential DLL file has been deleted accidentally or during the uninstallation of a particular piece of software
  • DLL files have become corrupt for one reason or another
  • DLL files have become infected with a virus
If you are encountering a missing DLL file error, it is highly likely that it has been caused by one of the above reasons.

In order to rectify the problem, there are a number of possible solutions that you should try in turn.

1.Re-install the software that you previously removed just before you encountered the DLL file error. If the reason for your DLL file error occurring is because of accidental removal then this should replace the missing DLL file and allow the software in question to function properly once again.

2.Re-install the software that is actually generating the DLL error. Again, this should fix missing DLL files in XP home edition. If, that is, your DLL error is occurring due to accidental removal.

3.Update the program/device driver that you have recently installed. Often, old DLL files can overwrite the existing DLL files and cause problems. In order to rectify this issue, you must update your program or device driver via the manufacturer or developer’s website.

4.Run a registry scan and repair your Windows registry. If your DLL error is arising due to corrupt or virally infected DLL files, giving your registry a free registry scan can help to clarify the problem and allow you to repair the DLL files in question.

In order to get the most from your free registry scan and ensure that the corrupted or infected entries are not missed or overlooked by the registry cleaning software, you must use a tried and tested cleaner.

To allow yourself to fix missing DLL files in XP home edition, perform a no obligation, FREE registry error scan today by clicking the link below:

  1. Registry Fix Pro 1.5 :

  2. RegistryFix clean, repair, fix windows 2.37 :

PC is really one thing to own the best of what technology has to offer and quite another to be able to really use it to the fullest. This is one situation that training and good tech support can easily sort that situation. However, when one is stuck with slightly older software and hardware and one inherits systems that are a tad eccentric then we really need to look at PC optimization to ensure that business/work can continue uninterrupted. The horse called technology is supposed to speed you up and put you ahead of the curve not slow you down in any form or manner. Computer support optimization is the answer.

Start up errors can be traumatic and extremely bugging. Today, remote tech support companies can provide useful computer help services. A PC optimization expert can help you organize your files by getting rid of old files that are clogging your hard drive. My PC optimization expert recommended a disk scan which is actually available on the windows operating system. This resulted in my pc being greatly optimized for speed. The tech support personnel also recommended defragmentation of the disk drive to optimize pc performance. It really improved my computers speed.

Very often we have heard complaints of slow booting; very tiresome if you are in a rush to get your work done and even if you just need to get started. Pages taking forever to load; this situation again means that your computer is not optimized and needs some work from a professional. Other symptoms of a PC in need of computer help from professionals are issues like Slow Shutdown and sluggish performance of Applications.

Tech support companies are really up to date with their security patches and I found that they were very effective in ensuring that I had adequate computer help with regard to virus and security updates and found that I was always on top with regard to my security measures. Furthermore it was my tech support person who explained to me how important it was for PC optimization that my computers registry was error free and that the operating system was functioning correctly.

A computer optimization expert will ensure that unnecessary software is removed thereby enhancing computer performance and ensuring smoother working you.

Very often we are unable to identify the problem at hand therefore unable to explain it to the experts. Computer support professionals will diagnose your system and identify those nasty problems that slowing you down. Allow the experts to optimize your performance by optimizing your computer.

PC optimization Freeware:

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