Most important way by which the virus spread through computer is when we use pendrive. (virus spread to computer during the autoplay). To disable this autoplay function for any device or for pendrive. Follow the below steps,

  1. Go to start.
  2. Select Run.
  3. type gpedit.msc
  4. select User Configuration.
  5. then click Administrative Template.
  6. then click System.
  7. you will find Turn off Autoplay,select it.
  8. Select Enable radiobutton and select All drives.
  9. click apply and ok.

Now autoplay is disabled in your computer.So, no virus will affect as soon as you insert your pendrive. Now scan the pendrive using some virus scanner and then open. The chance of virus spread to computer decreases.

when we close an application not in an proper way due to some reason (or) when computer hang (or)  for someother reason error gets generated in computer. These errors will have to reported to microsoft, most of case we will not allow to send.To stop this error reporting system,Follow these steps:

  1. go to mycomputer properties.
  2. then click advanced.
  3. then click on error reporting button.
  4. now select disable error reporting radio button.
  5. then select ok.


Now error will not be displayed in your computer.

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